Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fence Me In, NOW!

We are getting a new fence in the backyard. Ironic really.  My dog ran away a few weeks ago (we got her back) and I was just beside myself that I almost lost her.  But yesterday when all the men were here tearing down and starting on the new fence, the same dog that I cried over a few weeks ago almost got dropped off at the pound.  I want to say that last sentece was a complete joke but that might be a wee little lie.  My dogs are a hyper/sweet combo but you put them in a lock down situation and all hell breaks loose.  Really. I was about to lose my marbles by 4pm and I still had 2 hours left in the day to listen to them cry, bark, yap, growl and want to go outside in the freezing cold to 'do their business.' I realize this is all my fault.  I have not put in the time to train them up in the way they should go.  I think that is scripture.  I have never trained them to poop on command.  Who has the time?  Really?  That is why we have a doggie door.  Anyway, I lived through the day and woke up this morning with a new attitude.

I bundled up this morning and took each dog out one at a time to 'do their business'. We have 3 dogs today since we are watching Cali. This took a mere 45 minutes. Not too bad.  Then it was feeding time.  Very challenging since they all want each others food and require constant monitoring.  We got through that in about 30 minutes.  Whew! I am on a roll.  I walk to the front of the house and BAM! One of them throws up.  Sorry if this is TMI but you are the one who chose to read this.  So, I plug my nose and clean it up, 30 more minutes.  I held my breathe so long I almost passed out.  Luckily, I didn't pass out because my nose started bleeding.  Yeah, its getting worse. It would have looked like a crime scene on CSI, starring 3 super cute puppies and me, in my mismatched pjs and a baseball cap.  So, I did what every good mother does, I took one of them to the groomer.  Its just like daycare only they get a hair cut instead of snack time.  I am now ready to start my day and its almost lunch.

Today, I appreciate all you women with kids.  You are truly amazing and maybe a little nutty.  Yes, I am comparing my dogs to your kids.  Don't be offended.  I do it all the time.


  1. Precisely why we don't have animals AND only work with other people's kids! :)

  2. Hahahaha! Loved it ... sorry you had to go through all that, but years from now when you're ranting and raving about the kids, you'll look back on this day and think to yourself the practice was worth it (or you'll think -- wish I could trade the kids in for dogs!)

    On a side note, Mark feeds our three dogs in separate rooms. Chaelsi upstairs and Yankee in the downstairs with a baby gate separating them until they're done eating, and then Pete gets fed outside (or if it's really bad weather, in the basement)....


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