Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My husband Bob

I really don't give my sweet husband enough credit, mainly because he is a manly man and it makes him feel quite uncomfortable.  But today, I am going to make him feel uncomfortable!  I have been sick all weekend and he has brought me water and soup and tissues.  He folded the laundry that I fell asleep doing.  He somehow made my random pieces of curtain rod parts fit together and hung my curtains.  This required 3 trips to Lowes, a metal cutting saw and I am sure a lot of him thinking, Why do we NEED curtains? but he never said that outloud.  He even said they make the living room look better.  Big sweet steps for him.  I could stop there but I think that I should really make him blush. 

He took me to see Phantom of the Opera last night for date night!  If you know Bobby, then you are probably reading that last sentence over.  Yes, I said Phantom of the Opera.  Poor thing sat through the whole show with me.  He did check his watch after every song and was crossing songs off the program quite diligently but he never complained.  At Intermission he said, "I can honestly say, I have no idea what is going on down there."  Still the Bobby we all love!  The whole way home he sang Beauty and the Beast because he said it was exactly the same.  I love love love him!


  1. Wow, what a guy.. sounds so much like my Robert! Funny thing is after 16 years of marriage, Robert is the one picking out the "chick flicks" and sappy movies and I'm the one he has to make sit down and watch them! Weird how thing change over time.. :)

  2. Aaaw, you lucky girl! So sweet. It's funny the things we'll do for the love of our life!

  3. he is a keeper that bobby... when are you peeps coming back out to california?


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