Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life is Hectic and Lovely

I love to blog, I love to write. I love my family time more.  This has been a constant battle ever since the arrival of Awesome.  He really is pretty awesome and has changed our lives in the most unbelievable way.  And if you told me a year ago that everything would be this way, I would have never believed you.  I can make a mean vroom vroom sound when we play cars.  I dance and sing to the most ridiculous songs.  I read the same 4 page book over and over and OVER again.  I get drool on my jeans almost every day. The same jeans that I can't even button without lying on the bed and holding my breath.  I am both pained and proud of this mysterious shrinking jean occurrence.   I am home every night and snug in the house before the sun even thinks about setting.  I never in a million years would have imagined being the mom that serves up hot dogs and mac n cheese on my son's plate.  But I am.  My life works. OUR life works. and I am so in awe.  God knows.  He plans.  He steps before me.  I am so thankful.

On a lighter note, I mooned all of Pets Mart last week.  Yes, mooned.  As in, pants down, cheeks showing.  If you knew me in college, this may not be a surprise but this was adult me.  Married me.  Has a baby ME!!  Of course I didn't do it on purpose!  I decided it was a good idea to take both dogs and the baby, in the rain, to an appointment.  I am sure you aren't surprised that my sweet puppies hate getting wet.  So I insisted on carrying them.  Lexi insisted on getting her paws caught in my pants and pulling them down(unfortunately, I chose to wear sweats rather than my paint on tight jeans mentioned earlier in the post).  Lovely, I tell you.  I did what any woman would do.  I untangled Lexi, set the pups down and kept walking as if nothing happen.  I am hoping the incident is not saved on the security tapes for all eternity.
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