Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cooper Cade

Hi, my name is Cooper Cade.  My dad calls me Captain Awesome.  I was born on November 13 which means at some time in my life I will have a Friday the 13th birthday....I am not superstitious though so I guess it won't matter.  I have a mighty strong set of lungs for my wee 6 lb. 4 oz. body.  Also I can burp really well.  At least, thats what my mom says.  I don't mean to brag but I have a pretty strong skill set for being 17 days old.  I am an expert pooper, sleep like a champ AND I can roll over from my tummy time to my back.  I really don't get the point of tummy time.  I'm sure I will guest blog on here every once in a while, as time premits, I have a life you know....cause I'm Awesome.

Oh and here is a family shot, right in the middle of my nap...no respect for a sleeping baby.  I think its funny my parents match.  They say it was on accident but I'm not sure if I believe them.
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