Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Follow Me!

See that down there on the right, the button that says followers, are you listed??  I know you love me :) teehehe so go ahead.....follow me.  I know, I know, this blog post is not all you were longing for.  I am so sorry.  This mother is tired and had a goal bedtime of 7:30 but it is now 10:48 and my brain will not turn off.  I think it is those darn chocolate covered espresso beans that are completely addicting and oh so yummy.  Or maybe its my adorable husband that I don't see much of anymore.  Who knows really.  So the point of this post is, follow me AND buy yourself some chocolate covered espresso beans, they will change your life.  I think for the better.

P.S. Bobby makes wine.  Yeah, a little ghetto, I know, but I am honest here.  He wants to sell it for $8.00 a bottle....Shea likes it, John had a sneeze attack for about 3 hours after drinking it.....the odds are pretty good that you have a 50% chance of really liking it.  So buy it now!!! I will ship it to you.  Love you peeps!!


  1. Okay, we want a bottle! Send a check? Paypal??

  2. haha That is great!! I am pretty sure its illegal to sell alcohol, so I will send you one for free....since you are family and all ;)

  3. Thanks for making me smile!! :-) Love your cute little monkey!!


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