Thursday, February 24, 2011


I just learned a nifty new trick that I thought you might find helpful.  I don't know how your family works but in our house, we have about 6 pairs of scissors and we can never find one when we need it. Or the one pair we do find is so dull it won't even cut through a piece of paper. We run out and buy a new pair and then find the old pair that works when we get back home.  Drama.

So, what do you do with dull scissors?  Throw them away? No!  You can sharpen them, quick and easy.  Just take old tin foil or new if you don't have an old sheet you just used to cover the lasagna, and fold it into about 7 layers.  Then cut away with those dull scissors.  Voila!  Sharp scissors!  Easy right?

Did you find this tip helpful?  Would you like me to share more tips like this on my blog?  Leave a comment or shoot me a message.


  1. Thanks for the tip! P.S. I've always enjoyed your blog! I just started one last week, and I added you to my blog list! I hope you don't mind!

  2. 1Awe thanks Lauren! Welcome to blog world!


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