Monday, October 26, 2009

A new addition to the family

As you all know, Bobby and I celebrated our two year anniversary last week. With this came a lot of questions from family and friends about when we were going to be adding to our little family. Of course we felt the pressure but we also wanted to make sure this was the right time to make such a decision. I mean, they are expensive right!! And once you have one it’s not like you can take it back. Sure, they will repair it if it’s broken or injured but you are pretty much always stuck with this new main squeeze. And we had to take our puppies into consideration. If you have met them, you know they are not exactly well trained. Spoiled might be a good term. They are very paws on and love to attack the face…kisses, is what they call it. So, over the next few months we will be training the little beasts. They will be well mannered before you know it!

After a lot of waffling we have made our decision. Tonight is the night. Wish us luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Wait? I'm confused. A puppy or a baby? You're getting one TONIGHT!?! Can you order a baby that fast?


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