Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our First Outing

I know, given the title you pictured Cooper and I strolling bilssfully through the mall purchasing gifts and getting ice cream.  But I hate to burst your bubble....we were not so lucky.

Some new mothers take their new roll in stride, dashing out to run errands and lunch with friends...I am not one of those moms.  It has been a month and I just went out with Cooper by myself yesterday.  We just had to take Ali to the airport.  A simple little task that ended up much more challenging.  There I was sitting on the tollway on my way home, in five o'clock traffic, feeling proud of myself. I did it, I successfully loaded him up and made it home with a peaceful sleeping baby.  And then my bubble burst.  Screaming from the back seat, loud bloody murder screaming.  I knew this wasn't just the fake cry (yes, my son fake 4 weeks of age) it was the real deal.  It took me about 10 minutes to be able to exit the tollway and pull into the Embassy Suites parking lot.  And there in the back seat was more poop than I have ever seen in my life.  What am I supposed to do? I am in a parking lot!?! So here I am with my son in the trunk on my changing mat, he is screaming and crying, I am panicking and crying and we are both covered in poo. There just aren't enough wipes in the world to make this VERY WRONG situation right.  For some reason I kept looking around, hoping someone would come help me.  It's not like I had a flat tire...its a dirty diaper lady, pull it together.  I thought about calling Bobby to rescue me but I knew that this was my moment.  My baptism by fire into motherhood.  And I must say, besides the sobbing, I handled it quite well. Three brownies and a glass of wine later, I was ready to get back in the game.

P.S.  I promise to not share too many poo stories.  So many women never tell the real details though.  They live in a bubble. I believe I owe you the truth.  Its messy. But at the end of the day, I think this is the most important job I will ever do.


  1. Haha!! Nice! You are a trooper! It will get better...I promise! :)

  2. aaaaaaw, emily. i'm SO sorry. At least there were brownies later.

  3. Awesome! Reason #42 for me not to have children :) Glad you made it through and got to enjoy a brownie later on..


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