Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We just got back from our friends house where we did Pysanka.  Have you heard of Pysanky?  I swear, I did not make up that word.  Pysanky, Ukrainian Easter Eggs, are so very beautiful. And very hard to make! First, you take your egg and poke holes in the top and bottom of the egg.  Then, you proceed to blow the yolk out of the egg.  This, in and of itself is quite a feat.  I did 2 eggs and had to sit down on the kitchen floor for fear of passing out.  Pysanky is not for wussies.  Once your egg is prepped, you take these little tools that look like they are from the bible days and you melt wax into them to draw on your eggs.  You are supposed to draw then dip in a color, then draw and dip in a new color, then draw and dip in another color....you see where this is going.  Then you melt all the wax off and voila! A BeeeAutiful egg.  It was so much fun!

Of course I pictured my egg looking like this:

But my egg turned out more like this:

And my hands looked look a little like this:

Don't hate me cause of my mad pysanka skills.  Not everyone has my kind of talent. My hubby has mad skills too.  See his egg below.


  1. I want to do this! You're an artist!

  2. omg - we did this when I was a kid. I had no idea is was "ukranian". Mine looked kinda like yours I think.....excellent work!!


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