Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I want these

I have been shopping around for new place settings ever since I found out that Bobby is not a big fan of red.  I guess when you are engaged and registering for your entire kitchen, you just agree with your lady friend?  Apparently, men don't feel the need to express their true feelings about home decor when you are buying everything.  No, they share them 3 years later after you have accumulated an entirely red kitchen, down to the red KitchenAid Spatulas....Yes, I even have a red egg chopper thingie.  At least that is what happened here in our house!  Of course, when Bobby's dislike of the color red slipped out, instant panic set in on his face. Panic you ask?  Yes, panic.  He knew I would have no problem remedying the situation. I want him to love our home and be happy in his surroundings. What girl doesn't like shopping anyway, especially for the house!  So I have been on the look out for new plates to start out the transition.  I found a few sets that I if only Christmas would get here already!  These are my choices so far...its so hard to decide!

Option #1

Salad plate
Always blessed, ever thankful....such a great reminder

Option #2


  1. i say BOTH (sorry, bobby). i say this because you can mix the blue ones in with the others if you have a lot of guests. or you can go seasonal. or you can put the blue with brown in the spring--then the yellow with the brown in fall. definitely both--but then i'm quirky that way.

  2. oh... and who needs christmas when you have mondays! happy monday--here are some plates!


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